Saturday, July 28, 2012

Oil Control with Phillips Milk of Magnesia

Okay Beauties I am another Milk of Magnesia statistic. I have extremely oily skin, all over my face including my cheeks. I've used several primers, and oil control foundations and powders but after 4 hours all of them end with the same result, me looking like a "grease monkey".

I did a little research on YouTube and everyone says Phillips Milk of Magnesia actually will help keep the oil under control.After moisturizing apply a thin laying being sure to rub, rub, rub it in until it dries clear, then apply your foundation or go through your   regular routine.

I found my research to be SUCCESSFUL!!!!!! My foundation didn't fade in the picture (I am actually a face picker I keep my hands in my face) but no oil for a looooong time. I will continue to use this Philips Milk of Magnesia under my foundation and I can't believe it actually worked.

You will never know if what u have is good until you've had BETTER!!!!

Thanks for taking the time to review my posting for today, Dont forget to follow.

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